Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 3 of Hands!

Ok, so I have 3 kids so I need to be as fair as possible and decided to shoot Amb's hands for day 3!  And what do these little hands love the most??  To feed her!  (and to always be into something they shouldn't!!)  This is ok-kind of like the comp (even tho I had no real say in it) but again could have been better...

Hands, hands, hands

Day 1 of hands.  This is Aid writing his color words on the dry erase board.  Again, you can kind of tell that I lack motivation on this one and the day prior (remember the giraffes?!?!)  I really didn't like the exposure or the "feel" of the picture so I desaturated it quite a bit but left just enough color so you can see the marker stand out...

Aub on the computer--threw a sheet of red construction paper under the mouse for contrast.  Def a learning exp on this one.  I like how the light is reflecting from the window-thought my focus was pretty good on the top of her hand.  I need to work on CREATIVITY!!!!!

Laaassstttt Daaayyyy of Plants!!!

Ok, so I was totally lacking motivation and creativity on this one...Giraffes eat leaves...leaves can be found on plants-that's my connection and I'm sticking to it, lol!  I did play around with composition on this one but in the end this was the best one...Kind of glad plants is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!


Day 5 of Plants!  Found this flower at the front of our gate and then looked up and remembered the oak leaf on our sign.  Didn't think the flower would turn out all that great so I started shooting the oak and loved the contrast with the brick.  Overall...not thrilled about my creativity here! (oh  ya-thought the rain drops on the flower leaves were pretty cool)

Day 6 was a Yea Day!!  Finally pleased with something I shot.  My intention was to get Amberlee in some of these photos (really need to work on my "people" pictures) but of course she's 1 and didn't quite hold still!  Overall-a thumbs up!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fun, fun, fun!

Day 2!  This is ok...worked on my angle shots!  Thanks to my D and C on this one :)

These are from day3 (had to post 2 again)!  Aubrey wanted to go on a nature walk on Sunday so I brought my camera along-found some fabulous color and practiced shooting in man.  Also played around quite a bit on the 2nd pic in pse7-great opp for learning!

This is from 4.  Started out shooting some of my silk flowers in the house (rain storm going on outside) and ended up with the base.  I love how this turned out and I also desaturated it to basically black and white and then added a deep red filter-sooo fun!!  Hmm...maybe I should post my sooc and then my pp together???

Friday, January 14, 2011


Aubrey came up with this theme for me.  I walked outside today to find my first picture and I was very discouraged-everything looks so terrible from the freeze...and then it's the middle of the day and the sun was shining too bright!  Walked to the backyard and found this on my bottle brush tree.  Shot with my 50-love the bokeh!

Ha ha!!  Couldn't help but post this one too from today.  It's actually the leaves from that same bottle brush tree-I played around with it in pse7-had a little fun :)

Day 7...Last Coffee Picture!

So what is the first thing we think of eating with our coffee?  Something sweet right! Well I decided to make a pan of Chess Cake a few days ago and it sure went perfect with my coffee!!  Broke out my 50 for this one-love the dof....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Coffee...5 & 6

Day 5...thought it be pretty cool to get the motion of the coffee being made...cropped it quite a bit...not my favorite of the week for sure!

Ahh...Day 6...wasn't  really liking this one until now...I love the color...wish I had painted my nails either pink or red last night tho, lol!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 2, 3, and 4

Day 2-I guess it will be ok if I post a few in one day-hey I make up the rules right???? This is a pic of the drip tray on my new coffee maker! Not thrilled about my focus...

Day 3-Love this one-thought I was creative and think my focus is pretty good-a little dof even tho it's my 17-85.  Need to break out my nifty fifty...

Day 4-Loved the lightning from outside on day 3's shot that I took this one outside too.  I know some photographers don't like the "tilt" but I like it and I tend to do it every so often...America runs on Dunkin (and so do I esp on Mondays!!)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Here is day one...I just purchased a new coffee maker that uses the K-cups.  I really love it-it's super easy and quick!  I decided to use one of my most favorite mugs for my first shot-Aubrey painted this for me several years ago-notice the big chip out of the side?!?!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh my!

Can you believe it's Jan 5th and I honestly forgot about this resolution until yesterday!! Then we had a major leak in the house... So back to my "for me by me" attitude. I'm not going to let this bum me out and I'm going to give myself a new start date of Jan 7th! That will give me a few days to clean up after this catastrophe (slightly exaggerated) and put my Christmas decorations away! COFFEE here I come!!!