Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oh's been awhile!!

These are so very random-A few of Aiden in the tub-working on poor lighting conditions.  The few of marshmellows were practice in comosition.  And the last few are from Amb's 2nd brthday.  Wow-did I ever struggle shooting in manual with no light indoors on those :(

Saturday, April 2, 2011

White {so not a boring color!}

These are petunia's from my neighbors planter...brings back memories of when my Gma Cameron use to call me "petunia"!! :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

White is the Theme!

Amb with our little friend Sienna!  She loves "babies"..."baby" Mommy, "baby"!  Love those little hands and feet.

Practicing the back light and trying to get my girlie to smile at me!!

"Mommy see ah ah's"  AKA: "Look Mommy I see birds in the sky"!  Thank goodness for Mommy's who can decipher little girl code talk!  Love the bokeh!
Enough said

Trying for a creative shot-love the sandals and crossed legs.  Thumbs up to me for the idea :)
Ok so I am officially caught up and I have even shot a few extra to post tonight!  Let's see if I can keep up this week :)  Amb and I had a great little mini session today....

Around the 'hood! (And I'm almost caught up-yippee!!)

Amb being thrown in the air by Daddy...working on shot perspective.  Edited with florabella and testing out some new paint the moon templates.
These kiddos LOVE the running shots-taken in Edenfield.  I wish my focus was better, but that's why I upgraded shortly after this was taken to my new 7d!!
Even though this looks like the same place as the above pic-it isn't.  Amb and I checked out this boardwalk and it's shade cover on our way to Cafe Fresco on the golf cart.  I can't wait to dress the kids up and take some fun ones here!
Lillypads...I love the ripples!  Another tough one to nail focus...
~~Sisterly Love~~  BandW film by florabella  Still working on finding a bandw conversion that I really love...
~~Summer skateboarding~~  Edited with vintage summer II  Love it!
This was a tough one to get the focus, but I did!  One of my first on my new camera!!

Spring Break! (use to mean something different when I was younger, ha)!

Love the comp here and of course the expression.  I love her toothy smile, but this one shows contenment-prob because she had Daddy and me all to herself this day :)

Over break we visited a horse farm owned by some friends of ours....the kids had a blast riding and seeing ALL of the animals!  I had a blast shooting about 100 pics!  Aub lovin the horse is one of my faves!

We also celebrated Mike's 40th over break-The shadow dancers are two dear friends of mine-thought it was very creative.  And who doesn't love a great sunset???

These last two are from our "horse session"....I love the tack shot-if I paired it in a storyboard I think it would add so much to the story...this last shot is a conversion to black and white.  I'm disappointed that you can't see Aub's hand better on the horses face, but I love it!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring IS Here! ~~New Growth~~

This is literally one of my first plays with textures-so fun!!  It's funny how I'm really noticing every detail of spring this year.  I've always loved nature (thanks Mom) but now I'm seeing it a bit differently-in a photographic sort of way!

Really played around with pse this batch-this image was created using the droppers-played around with gray and black thanks to Amanda at Everyday Elements!

                                                 Love me some chubby Amberlee hands!!

If you look really close you can see the lizard!  Love Crepe Myrtles an enjoy watching them come back every year!

A blue heron flying away from me, ha ha!!  Loved the reflection-I think he is enjoying this "new growth" just as much as we are....

Thought this would be appropriate for the last picture-M and I took Amb to the park over Spring Break and talk about new growth....ahhh....everyday this girlie changes.  I like to say that it took the third for us to really be able to enjoy every little bit of this stage-even the not so fun parts.  She looks like my Mom in this one...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Around The House!

Hi!  I'm going to go ahead and post all 7pics in one post this time.  I'm finding that taking a pic and posting everyday is a bit of a time commitment.  So I'm doing the best I can and continuing to learn everyday!

I absolutely LOVE this one-I even found the perfect action to run-vintage summer!  It really captures exactly how I was feeling-literally sneaking a quick moment to put my feet up and trying to enjoy the beautiful weather!

I now can see why most give up the 365 project-it's not that it's a lot of work but it can be time consuming.  It's something we love, but honestly I think we sometimes have to say NO.  We have so many other areas of our life that are calling us at the same time.  This was one of those weeks and is the next few weeks after this post (as you will see).