Monday, January 17, 2011

Fun, fun, fun!

Day 2!  This is ok...worked on my angle shots!  Thanks to my D and C on this one :)

These are from day3 (had to post 2 again)!  Aubrey wanted to go on a nature walk on Sunday so I brought my camera along-found some fabulous color and practiced shooting in man.  Also played around quite a bit on the 2nd pic in pse7-great opp for learning!

This is from 4.  Started out shooting some of my silk flowers in the house (rain storm going on outside) and ended up with the base.  I love how this turned out and I also desaturated it to basically black and white and then added a deep red filter-sooo fun!!  Hmm...maybe I should post my sooc and then my pp together???

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