Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bonus Water pic!

Here's my girlie-eating as usual and of course eating sweets (just like her mama).  I love her belly and I love that she's sitting on the soccer ball! (oh ya-it takes lots of water to make our grass look so nice for these shots!!)

The Theme is Water!

My first attempt at a collage-Ran four different Florabella actions on these flowers.  Which by the way I broke off from a tree in our neighborhood-they are absolutely beautiful!  And what fun photographing them every which way and then running all the actions on them-pure entertainment!!

Here they all are individual!  May even frame these for the house!!

water-and stretching it a little...ha!

This one is stretching it a bit but I was blog hopping and looking at other 365 or 52 projects and they REALLY stretch it...I love this shot particularly the way the sun is hitting her.  Processed with florabella-I really need to make notes along the way bc I can never remember which action I use!!

Ok, now it's WATER!

Water Day 1-this is Amb's first time interacting with a hose-she had a blast!  Yes, it's warm enough in Feb here in Florida for the hose :)  It was the middle of the day-bright light-but I like the shot.

These two will count as day 2 and 3-both were taken on our boat this past weekend.  Both processed with Florabella!  I love the colors in the shrimp pic and I love the LACK of color in the one of Aid-I did a major crop as he had his life jacket on-but he literally is looking at the water-so peaceful and so handsome!

Water!!! Oops I mean one more Pink!

So I just went to start processing my new week's theme-Water and I forgot about this one!  I processed it with Florabella Luxe II.  I really like this shot-I think I composed it well and of course it's very colorful :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Last day of Pink

Was just going through my archives and found this one-look at those pink lips!  All in all I found it a little difficult with this week's theme-may have been lack of time, but this project is still motivating me to shoot every day if not every few days :)

Pink Day 6

Again-pulling from the archives, but this was honestly recent and honestly shot in Manual!!  It's processed with Florabella's B&W blush and I added a bit more blush to give it a pink hue!  Love this!!


Pink Day4...Amb loves sand and chalk!  Love how I tried to get the chalk art in the foreground and I also like the perspective of the shot.

Had to start pulling from the archives for this week-it's been a bit of a struggle to get a shot everyday lately, but I'm not giving up!  This is from our laundromat session-so fun!  Wish she was looking at the camera, but she is ONLY 1!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pink is the theme!

Aub picked this theme for me and it's fitting as I do LOVE Pink and it's Valentines Week!!  This shot was taken at a Newlywed Game party we hosted this past weekend-Lots of pink!!

What is more pink than natural lips and rosy cheeks!  Amb having fun in the bouncehouse with this shot :)

This is one of my ALL TIME FAVS!!  I was busy snapping away knowing that all of my shots would be great due to these beautiful pink roses my friend CG gave me and low and behold I saw a gigantic snout enter into my shot, lol!!

Through a Childs Eyes!

Day 1-like this one-thought it was creative...although there is a major hot spot on Amb's hand!!!

These three are from days 2,3,and word...COMPOSED!  Focus is good and was able to work on composition :)

This is Congo, the class pet from Day 5.  Yes, it is composed, but it is truly from a "child's eyes"!! It's making me crave Pizza Mania right now!!

So I had enough of the composed shots and went for an action shot...this was taken at about 7 pm inside my house so I had to enhance it a bit in pse, but overall I think it's cute and Amb sure had fun with the glitter!

Last day-and also last day with Congo, Aub's class pet-we had a little "going away" party for Congo!! 

This week was fun, but not as I expected....

Trees...last day

Well, all I can say is "amazing"-amazing because I truly love this picture, amazing because I made Mike pull off the side of the road in our neighborhood to take it (and he did), and amazing what you can do to enhance your pictures in photoshop!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Loving this weeks theme!

Day 4...I love that our lawn guys spend extra time (don't worry-we are paying for it I'm sure) to round these out into mushrooms a few times a year!  I think they would be happy that I appreciate this :)

Day 5-I was going for the reflection shot here-unfortunately by the time I got outside to shoot (I had to bribe Amb with some candy) the wind had picked up, but I still love how this one turned out...I could have brightened up the greens a bit in pse....

Day 6-I love the composition on this shot.  And I think the lightning is nice-I did boost the brighness a bit in pse.

Had to move it back outside!!


Had to get back outside with the "easy" light!!  Plus, I'll have to admit (cheesy as it may be) I've been running up and down these streets for 3 years now and I have always admired the beauty of these trees!! These are pines right outside my neighborhood-trying to catch a "sunburst"-I wouldn't say I was successful, but I like the picture.  I also played around in pse-converted to b and w and added a warming filter-reminds me of a summer evening :)

Love Crepe Myrtles-always have and their trunks are so smooth! I really like the contrast of the bright blue sky with the dark tree.  I also like the clouds....

Here's my girlie!  I took them for a photo shoot thru downtown and Hyde Park.  We had a great afternoon and actually got a "tree" shot in at the same time.  I can't wait to process the rest!

Hands, 4, 5, & 6

I've always loved to paint my nails but hardly find time these days esp when you are having to repaint every few days!  I thought polish would be good in giving me experience with composition.  I took tons of pics to get this one!!

Ok, yes I'll admit it-this was a very last minute pic-seriously Aub was about to jump in bed!!  I fixed the terrible lightning in pse and actually came out with a decent picture...

These are my FAV hands ones thus far!!  "Look Mom at my nails"!!!  I took them in the bathroom while Amb was in the bathtub-so I had to do some serious light adjustments in pse-but I LOVE them!!