Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring IS Here! ~~New Growth~~

This is literally one of my first plays with textures-so fun!!  It's funny how I'm really noticing every detail of spring this year.  I've always loved nature (thanks Mom) but now I'm seeing it a bit differently-in a photographic sort of way!

Really played around with pse this batch-this image was created using the droppers-played around with gray and black thanks to Amanda at Everyday Elements!

                                                 Love me some chubby Amberlee hands!!

If you look really close you can see the lizard!  Love Crepe Myrtles an enjoy watching them come back every year!

A blue heron flying away from me, ha ha!!  Loved the reflection-I think he is enjoying this "new growth" just as much as we are....

Thought this would be appropriate for the last picture-M and I took Amb to the park over Spring Break and talk about new growth....ahhh....everyday this girlie changes.  I like to say that it took the third for us to really be able to enjoy every little bit of this stage-even the not so fun parts.  She looks like my Mom in this one...

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