Thursday, March 3, 2011

Around The House!

Hi!  I'm going to go ahead and post all 7pics in one post this time.  I'm finding that taking a pic and posting everyday is a bit of a time commitment.  So I'm doing the best I can and continuing to learn everyday!

I absolutely LOVE this one-I even found the perfect action to run-vintage summer!  It really captures exactly how I was feeling-literally sneaking a quick moment to put my feet up and trying to enjoy the beautiful weather!

I now can see why most give up the 365 project-it's not that it's a lot of work but it can be time consuming.  It's something we love, but honestly I think we sometimes have to say NO.  We have so many other areas of our life that are calling us at the same time.  This was one of those weeks and is the next few weeks after this post (as you will see). 

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