Saturday, March 26, 2011

Around the 'hood! (And I'm almost caught up-yippee!!)

Amb being thrown in the air by Daddy...working on shot perspective.  Edited with florabella and testing out some new paint the moon templates.
These kiddos LOVE the running shots-taken in Edenfield.  I wish my focus was better, but that's why I upgraded shortly after this was taken to my new 7d!!
Even though this looks like the same place as the above pic-it isn't.  Amb and I checked out this boardwalk and it's shade cover on our way to Cafe Fresco on the golf cart.  I can't wait to dress the kids up and take some fun ones here!
Lillypads...I love the ripples!  Another tough one to nail focus...
~~Sisterly Love~~  BandW film by florabella  Still working on finding a bandw conversion that I really love...
~~Summer skateboarding~~  Edited with vintage summer II  Love it!
This was a tough one to get the focus, but I did!  One of my first on my new camera!!

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